Ukrainian officials call for Russian troops to withdraw before negotiations can begin

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said Wednesday that Russian troops must withdraw from Ukrainian territory before negotiations can begin, rejecting earlier Russian demands that Ukraine first surrender..

Zelenskyy said in an address to the nation that Ukraine was ready to hold talks, but only if Russia “stops shelling our cities, stops destroying our infrastructure, stops killing our children and civilians.”.

“Only after that will we sit down at the negotiating table,” he said..

Zelenskyy’s comments came after Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier Wednesday that Ukraine must first withdraw its troops from the eastern Donbas region and recognize Crimea as Russian territory before negotiations could begin..

Lavrov also said that Ukraine must agree to never join NATO and to give up its nuclear weapons..

Ukrainian officials have rejected Lavrov’s demands, saying that they are unacceptable and that Ukraine will not surrender its sovereignty..

“We will not surrender our country,” Zelenskyy said. “We will not give up our independence. We will not give up our freedom.”.

The Ukrainian government has also said that it is willing to hold talks with Russia, but only if they are held on equal terms and if Russia is prepared to negotiate in good faith..

“We are ready for negotiations, but we will not accept ultimatums,” said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba..

The United States and its allies have also rejected Russia’s demands, saying that they are unreasonable and that Ukraine has the right to defend itself..

“We will not stand by and watch Russia bully and coerce Ukraine,” said U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken..

The international community has been calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine and for Russia to withdraw its troops. However, there has been no progress on these calls, and the fighting continues..

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people displaced and hundreds of thousands in need of food, water, and medical care..

The United Nations has called for an immediate ceasefire and for humanitarian aid to be allowed into Ukraine. However, Russia has blocked most humanitarian aid convoys, and the fighting has made it difficult to deliver aid to those in need..

The United States and its allies have imposed sanctions on Russia in an effort to pressure the Kremlin to end the war. However, the sanctions have not yet had a significant impact on Russia’s military campaign..

The war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and it is unclear when or how it will end. However, the Ukrainian people remain determined to defend their country and their freedom..

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